Here are 5 training mistakes that you’re currently making, and the worst part about it is that you don’t even know you’re making them! Luckily I’m here to shed some light on them and provide a solution.

You don’t do enough

You underestimate how much work it actually takes to achieve the body that you want. An above average physique requires an above average amount of work, so the answer may be as simple as doing more than you currently are. Let go of the idea that working out 3 times per week is what you’re confined too, or that 3 sets of an exercise is enough. If you want more, be prepared to do more.

You do too much

You may be engaging in too many activities which counteract each other’s effectiveness. For example, you want to gain lots of muscle mass so you lift weights 4x per week but you also train to run marathons 4x per week. These activities place opposing demands on the body, not to mention require lots of recovery.
The same goes for your nutrition. Eating too much when trying to gain weight will only end up making you fat as you can’t force muscle growth. Eating too little will cause metabolic slowdown and muscle loss, not more fat loss. Sometimes less is more, and having a focus when choosing which activities to take part in will go a long way in getting to your goals faster.

Your diet is great….sometimes

Everyone thinks they know how great their diets are until they start writing stuff down. Clients trying to gain weight always think they’re eating enough and clients trying to lose fat always seem to overlook the indulgences they have “once in a while”. When you keep track you can actually see if your diet is adequate and if not, where you are going wrong. If you don’t want to look and perform like everyone else then don’t eat like everyone else.

You don’t have enough time

You try to find time for your training and nutrition but when you can’t these things get pushed to the side. This is where we have to talk about priorities. People make time for things that are important to them, so if this is really important to you, you will make time for it. Take a look at your day and see where you can make time for physical fitness. Chances are you can afford to cut out some TV and Facebook time to train and cook.

You don’t know why

Not knowing why you’re doing something is stupid. How can you be sure what you’re doing is going to benefit you? When things get tough you’re also more likely to bail on it because you can’t have confidence in something you don’t understand. When choosing or designing a training program or diet you must know the reason for everything. Why are you doing this exercise and not that one? Why in this order? Why must you eat more of this and less of that? Why is it better to eat this now instead of later?

Ask questions and figure out the why’s of your program because they will help with the sustainability of your efforts.

The Solution

So how do you know if you’re doing enough? Or doing too much? How can you track your diet and habits in a way that will ensure constant progress? How will you learn the why and find time for all these things in your extremely busy life?

These things are what actually make a program work, not just the sets and reps. If you were to experiment through trial and error it would take years to learn this stuff, but I want to help out.

That’s why I put together The Training Survival Guide which reveals:

– How to build habits that will bring great results AND allow you to keep them
– The one HUGE mistake that’s holding back your progress
– How to live the life that brings great results and enjoy it


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