The student asked, “Well what did I do?” The mentor paused briefly before responding.

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My family moved to Toronto 10 years ago. I’m confident that in those 10 years, I’ve had my share of accomplishments, but I know I can do something more. I also know I did a lot of schooling. And here I am, enrolled in another four years to be a doctor in chiropractic.

I use the term schooling simply because I know that it’s different from learning.

I’ve learned that difference mostly in the past year coming out of university and going into the workplace. We are all told to apply and integrate what we learned. In my case, I left university with a degree in Kinesiology – The science of human movement.

I had no idea.

I left school with a vast amount of knowledge but I had no idea how to apply it. I had to scour down resources. I read more books and journal articles in that summer compared to my entire undergrad! (maybe not, but I read A LOT) I didn’t stop there. I went to seminars. I participated. I worked. I was fortunate enough to work with Jedi Masters (doctors and physiotherapists) who were more than willing to impart wisdom and teach about the Living Force to a young padawan. I picked up all I can from these masters in that short time. It was awesome.

Proud Master Moment


I knew I had to take all the knowledge and experience I could during my year working before I headed back to do more schooling. It was funny then that during my first week back in school, the first year Director of Education told us a story about his mentee. He was very proud of what his student has accomplished, and is now working on for the future.

The mentor was pleased. He told the student,


“Everyone was given their lemon. But you took your lemon and squeezed the hell out of it!!!”

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Well, you’re probably asking, “Ace, what the hell does this have to do with my training?” (If you’re not, go on with life. I kid, read on :D)


EVERYTHING. It has to do with everything, not just training.


Most recently, it is most relevant in my education, but applying it in every aspect of life is even better. Heck, I’m paying an arm and a leg for my tuition! Am I just supposed to go to class to get my marks, eat, sleep, drink, and then one day become a doctor?! (Hint: The answer is NO!)

I “TRY” and approach everyday like a lemon – another opportunity to learn. I go to school and I want to get as much as possible from the day. I admit, I don’t pay attention 105% of the time, and at best (worst) I doze off. But I try. Outside of school, I go out and learn even more applicable things.


The same should go for your training or whatever you want to do. A training session is like a lemon. Take it and squeeze it. Be productive and own that session because you will never get that time back. Do not go in and half ass what you’re about to do. That’s wasting progress, aka lemonade.


See what I mean by EVERYTHING now? I love lemons.


Every day is a new lemon! 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds.

So you better wake up, take that lemon and squeeze the Living Force out of it. Heck, take the zest and bake something. Put it in water. Chop it in half. Make Limoncello. Squeeze it at people’s eyes (Just Kidding!) Do something.


Drizzy be like, ‘You only live once – that’s the motto’ #YOLO #youonlyliveonce #hashtag

I beg to differ. This padawan says #YODO 😀

You Only Die Once. You live every day.

Get squeezing 😉


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