This is the long awaited, final installment of The James Bond Blueprint. So sad, I know. But on the bright side, you’ll now have the entire blueprint for being a badass human being and if you haven’t already been going out and applying it, now you can. Let’s get to it.


James Bond is aware. Of EVERYTHING. We’re talking about things like the layout of the room he is in, body language, tone of voice, human tendencies, the movement of people, etc. Everything is taken into account and in his line of work this is mandatory as the smallest slip up can cost him his life. He is aware of the good and the bad, the loud and the subtle. Being aware gives him the ability to act on opportunities or detect danger. We are naturally intuitive creatures in that we know when something poses a threat to us. Our bodies are organisms built for survival. However, we usually let the feelings guide us and let our subconscious deal with all the finer details that I just described Bond being aware of. Sure that’s fine if you’d like to just flow with life and what it gives you, but we’re not here for that. We want life to flow in the direction we tell it to. In order to manipulate your environment you must first become consciously aware of it. The difference between subconsciously aware and consciously aware is EFFORT.

Awareness Tip: What do we interact with most in our world? Other people. Learn about why people do what they do. People tend to choose pre-programmed reactions to situations they face frequently. Why do they do this and what are they feeling? Why do people assume certain body language? Why does the tone of someone’s voice change depending on what they are saying or asking? The body is the vehicle for the mind and it will act based on thoughts and feelings. From learning about the others we will not only learn about ourselves but we will be able to better deal with the situation if we know what others are feeling. You’ll be like a Jedi or something.

Physical Fitness

James Bond is physically fit which is why he kicks so much ass. That pretty much sums it up. I could go anywhere with this one and make it longer than the whole series but I’ll keep it short and sweet. James Bond is not a bodybuilder. Nor is he a powerlifter, or an Olympic lifter, or a marathon runner. He doesn’t try to be all those things, which most people do these days. He is a secret agent and that has certain physical fitness requirements. He makes sure that he is best suited to do his job and anything else is bonus. Also, if you didn’t know, being physically fit has psychological benefits as well. Having a fit, good looking body can help boost your confidence which, as we know, is CRUCIAL and spills into many other things (see Confidence – The James Bond Blueprint Part II).

Physical Fitness Tip: Choose a goal. If you play a sport then find out what you need to be better at that sport. Do you need to be stronger? Great. Focus on getting stronger. Don’t be the guy who tries to do everything at once. Don’t be a jack of all trades and master of none. Pick one goal and devote your time and energy to it. What does being physically fit mean to YOU. Define it and then plan out how to get their safely and optimally. If you’re having trouble feel free to ask me, that’s what I’m here for!


It’s been a great ride guys, and even I’ve learned some things along the way. Being an amazing person requires being well rounded and the ability to deal with any and every situation. I’ve provided you with an arsenal of tools which I hope you integrate into your lives because they will do nothing but help you be who you already know you can be. James Bond was chosen for this series because he is a normal person with the ability to express who he really is. It sounds so simple but very few people are able to do that. If you’ve ever seen James Bond (or anyone you look up to) and thought to yourself “it would be awesome to be like that” now you can. Here is the blueprint for being amazing. Now start building.

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    1 Response to "The James Bond Blueprint – Part III"

    • real nitro

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