Here are 6 quick tips that you can apply now to your everyday eating which will help you look a little more shred and a little less fed. 

1. Eat less – This should be common sense but many people often forget that in order to lose fat, or weight in general, you must be in a caloric deficit. What this means is your body must be burning more calories than you consume on a daily basis. If you’re not in a caloric deficit don’t be surprised if the scale doesn’t budge.

2. Give your carbs purpose – Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to completely cut carbs out of your diet in order to lose fat. Sure lowering the total amount will help but you should also play around with when you consume them. For simplicity’s sake, keep carbs surrounding your workout, preferably after. This will give them purpose as they spike insulin levels which will inhibit protein breakdown (aka muscle mass breakdown) and replenish glycogen stores. All of this occurring at a time when your muscles are super insulin sensitive, equating to less carbs stored as body fat.

3. Eat more protein – Aside from being the building blocks of muscle (your fat burning machinery), proteins have a higher TEF than carbs or fats. A higher TEF (thermic effect of food) means that it requires more energy to digest protein than it does other macronutrients. More energy use means more calories burned.

4. Eat more green veggies – Green veggies are loaded with vitamins that help your body run itself more efficiently. You NEED those vitamins to help your body burn calories in the most efficient way possible and to keep you healthy.

5. Drink more water – Drinking lots of water helps you flush out toxins from your body and proper hydration ensures everything works as it should. I look at it like this: Our bodies are like the ocean (mostly water). Adding water to the ocean will only make it stronger. Drink your damn water. Aim for 3L per day.

6. Aim for 90% – Sure sticking to your diet 100% of the time would be great but it’s not a perfect world and you’re not a robot. Sticking to your diet 90% of the time will still give you the results you desire with a little wiggle room for being human and enjoying the food you love to eat. Consistency over time will always beat perfection for an instant. 

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