I don’t know about you, but in my opinion James Bond is the ultimate badass. Women want him and men want to be him. So in light of the recent release of Skyfall I figured I would lay out a blueprint of how you could be a little more James Bondesque in your life.

“Why James Bond?” you may ask. After all there are so many other badass characters like Batman, Liam Neeson, and of course Chuck Norris. The reason James Bond tops the list is because his qualities are attainable by everyone. It is realistic. Most people do actually have one or more of his qualities, but rarely do you meet someone with all of them (and a license to kill). We are so close, yet so far away. Think about it. You would love to be able to fly like Superman but you’re not pissed off that you can’t because as far as we know it’s impossible and no one you or any of us know can do it. But when you see that guy who’s physically fit or is great with women you’d be lying if you didn’t feel the slightest bit jealous. It’s because you know that you’re capable, you just need a kick in the right direction. So without further ado, here is part 1 of the James Bond blueprint.


What jumps out at you when you think of James Bond? I’m willing to bet the first thing you thought of is the man in the suit. The suit, which is as synonymous with James Bond as the gun and the theme song, is a symbol of class. James Bond is not only an impeccable dresser but the way he carries himself is always impressive to watch. The man wears the suit, the suit does not wear the man. Also in not one movie do you see Bond unnecessarily swearing, calling attention to himself, or “getting wasted bro”. He is always polite and conducts himself appropriately.

The result? Let’s just go with the most beautiful woman in every movie. Of course confidence plays a big role but we’ll get to that in a moment. Classy men command respect from classy women and never have I seen Bond acting like a college frat boy to attract party hardy college chicks. But you know what? Those college chicks want him just as bad, if not more so. I don’t know about you but I’d rather have a beautiful, powerful woman than a girl any day.

Class Tip: Carry yourself like a man not a boy. Men respect themselves and others. Boys beg for respect, men command respect. Be a gentleman, hygienic, and don’t dress and act like a loser.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that James Bond has been in more high pressure situations than all of us…put together…..and then multiplied a couple times. What you may have noticed is how cool, calm, and collected he is in these situations. It’s like he has nerves of steel. He could be surrounded by men who are going to kill him (which happens about thrice in every movie) and he’d still be seducing the beautiful woman sitting across from him. Seducing a beautiful woman is nerve racking enough for the majority of us, but throw in a few machine guns and a world ending scenario and you’re going to have quite the sweat going. Now it’s not like he doesn’t get nervous because after all he is human. BUT he doesn’t let it show or, more importantly, affect his performance.

Composure Tip: Recognize your anxiety. Everyone gets it. What most don’t realize is that the nervous feeling is the fight or flight response which is literally there to help you perform better. Accept it and work with it. The most successful athletes and people on earth are not the ones who do not get nervous. They are the ones who do not let their nervousness affect their performance.

That’s it for now. The next blog post will look at confidence and intelligence and how you can set yourself apart from all other men. 

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